:) Welcome to our new follower Ansley1905! Thanks for taking the time to read our blog!
WOW! Time really does fly! The whole month of December was so busy with my Daughter's Birthday, eating out, and Christmas shopping! I had determined to do things slowly (my only speed) but was still wornout and completely exhausted by Christmas Eve. I must admit to dropping a couple more rungs down the health ladder. I will be getting into a wheelchair very soon, but still must admit my limitations. I have a very limited amout of energy and need to save that for the most important activities.
We are gearing up for the New Year in the hopes of being as healthy as we can be! I am planning to primarily eat fresh whole foods and stay away from the procesed and sugary alternatives. We have a Champion juicer and plan to put it to good use. Hubby and I are also getting our health supplements lined up. Yes, I certainly could stand to lose more weight (I am 60 pounds down from my top weight) however, the main reason to follow this new nutrition plan is to try to defeat the Sarcoidosis disease that is destroying my body. It makes sense to me that if this disease is inflammatory, and I am eating a non-inflammatory diet, that this nutrition plan could slow or possibly even stop the Sarcoidosis flares. That is my Prayer!! If anyone is interested, I will go into more detail later about our nutrition plan.
Moving Down The Simple Path,

You've heard of CatDog, well this is FrogTurtle! F.R.O.G means Fuly Rely On God! And Turtle means living life in the slow lane! This is a blog about our family journey towards simple living. Some of the subjects we may cover are, Living a Simple Life, Christian Values, Sarcoidosis, Diabetes, and other diseases, Nutrition and Supplements, Health & Wellness, Healing, Homeschooling, RV Wanna-be's, Old-fashioned, Back-to-Basics Values, and Skills.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Critter Clarity...
:) First, let me welcome my new follower, (actually, my first!!), Carolyn of Musings By The Creekside. So happy to have you on board! I enjoy reading your blog as well.
I must say that while we have been searching for ways to simplify our lives, that one of the things we were considering was to find a way to close our private animal rescue. Although this is not what we really wanted, all of the work and all the financial responsibility fell on my husbands shoulders. With his work schedule, and my being so ill it is indeed a hardship! Over the holidays, we have come across many animals that needed help, and have found that we are it. We believe that God put us together for many reasons, and one of those is because we both have big hearts for needy animals. We must find a way to keep the animal rescue going and possibly even increase it's size. We are going to look into starting an official animal rescue with non-profit status, that way we can be eligible for grants and donations from the general public. Also, we may be able to find volunteers in the community to help, as well as seasonal Work-Campers. With this in mind, we will start to look for a 5-10 acre site in the general area for our animal rescue and eventual no-kill shelter. We hope to serve a tri-county area near us in south Georgia. Please pray with us that God's Little Critters Animal Rescue and No-Kill Shelter will become a reality and a bright spot in the community.
Animal Rescue is Our Mission!
Moving Down The Simple Path,
I must say that while we have been searching for ways to simplify our lives, that one of the things we were considering was to find a way to close our private animal rescue. Although this is not what we really wanted, all of the work and all the financial responsibility fell on my husbands shoulders. With his work schedule, and my being so ill it is indeed a hardship! Over the holidays, we have come across many animals that needed help, and have found that we are it. We believe that God put us together for many reasons, and one of those is because we both have big hearts for needy animals. We must find a way to keep the animal rescue going and possibly even increase it's size. We are going to look into starting an official animal rescue with non-profit status, that way we can be eligible for grants and donations from the general public. Also, we may be able to find volunteers in the community to help, as well as seasonal Work-Campers. With this in mind, we will start to look for a 5-10 acre site in the general area for our animal rescue and eventual no-kill shelter. We hope to serve a tri-county area near us in south Georgia. Please pray with us that God's Little Critters Animal Rescue and No-Kill Shelter will become a reality and a bright spot in the community.
Animal Rescue is Our Mission!
Moving Down The Simple Path,
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Alot of stuf....(And yeah, I spelled stuff with only one f..it's how i do it)
Alot of things have happened since I last posted.
November 10th. Wow. That's a loooong time. I've forgotten alot of what's happened actually, except for recently, so i'll report what I remember. Funny how I remember things from when I was 2, but I can't remember things a month ago. Well, actually, that happens because events only go into your long term memory if they have some sort of emotional meaning or something. But, anyways, I won't go into all that...(Btw, if you're wondering, we don't go out to eat every night. We were celebrating my Birthday--all week long!!)
December 12th:
Went to El Real. They sang some type of Happy Birthday song. And put my name of the sign.
December 13th:
Went to Cheddar's. Well, and Publix too. But that doesn't really count. Also, Shoutout to Tori. Thanks for the Pink Eiffel Tower :) Oh, and thanks to the 'rents for the Elf, Shelby. And to Granny for the Hello Kitty Pajama's and Slippers.
December 14 (My actual B-day):
Had a cupcake & Capri-sun Birthday Picnic in my front yard. Thanks to Tori, Abby, Britney, Lorissa, Nathan, Tyler, Annakate, Dylan, Hillary, Sean, Granny, and Melissa for coming :) And special thanks to Granny, who made it possible. And we went out to eat at Huddle House.
December 15th:
We went out to eat at Frank & Linda's
December 16th:
Had an ice cream cake party at Granny's house. Thanks Melissa, Kenny, Dylan, Matt, Kim, Elizabeth, Abigail, Sherry, and Don for coming :)
~And that completes the Birthday week. The other six days have just been a blur of Christmas Shopping--not a whole lot of intresting stuff going on. Oh, Yeah, Shoutout to the Felkers--Ryan, Susan, and Victoria (Tori)!! Thanks for the sweets :) The oreo truffles are best :) I need to find out how you made them!! :D
Well, I don't know what else to say, so i'll sto--OOOOOHHH! I DO KNOW WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT!!!! Buuut, I think i'll save it for later ;) Night Guys!
November 10th. Wow. That's a loooong time. I've forgotten alot of what's happened actually, except for recently, so i'll report what I remember. Funny how I remember things from when I was 2, but I can't remember things a month ago. Well, actually, that happens because events only go into your long term memory if they have some sort of emotional meaning or something. But, anyways, I won't go into all that...(Btw, if you're wondering, we don't go out to eat every night. We were celebrating my Birthday--all week long!!)
December 12th:
Went to El Real. They sang some type of Happy Birthday song. And put my name of the sign.
December 13th:
Went to Cheddar's. Well, and Publix too. But that doesn't really count. Also, Shoutout to Tori. Thanks for the Pink Eiffel Tower :) Oh, and thanks to the 'rents for the Elf, Shelby. And to Granny for the Hello Kitty Pajama's and Slippers.
December 14 (My actual B-day):
Had a cupcake & Capri-sun Birthday Picnic in my front yard. Thanks to Tori, Abby, Britney, Lorissa, Nathan, Tyler, Annakate, Dylan, Hillary, Sean, Granny, and Melissa for coming :) And special thanks to Granny, who made it possible. And we went out to eat at Huddle House.
December 15th:
We went out to eat at Frank & Linda's
December 16th:
Had an ice cream cake party at Granny's house. Thanks Melissa, Kenny, Dylan, Matt, Kim, Elizabeth, Abigail, Sherry, and Don for coming :)
~And that completes the Birthday week. The other six days have just been a blur of Christmas Shopping--not a whole lot of intresting stuff going on. Oh, Yeah, Shoutout to the Felkers--Ryan, Susan, and Victoria (Tori)!! Thanks for the sweets :) The oreo truffles are best :) I need to find out how you made them!! :D
Well, I don't know what else to say, so i'll sto--OOOOOHHH! I DO KNOW WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT!!!! Buuut, I think i'll save it for later ;) Night Guys!
Aunt Sherry,
Oreo Truffles,
Uncle Don
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Bloom where you are planted!
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By Lockerz
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not upon your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your path.”
While looking at other options for our future living arrangements, my Husband and I came upon the same idea. although we were thinking and praying seperately even in different locations, we were thinking along the same lines. Talk about being one!! I have found in the past, that this happens to us alot. God's ways are often mysterious! (To us human beings!!) While we would prefer a smaller dwelling, we believe that God is showing us uses for our extra space. We are praying about using our extra bedroom, which is actually a master bedroom, to host a Bible Study Group. We have found it a struggle as we are trying to remain apart from the world as much as possible, to find a Church that is not conforming to the world. We removed our television from our home about six years ago and have been trying to avoid Pagan Holidays and Pagan Traditions that are ensconced within Christian Holidays.
Following what we believe to be God's will for our path, we will bloom where we are planted. There may be a time (Weeks, months?) where we are still dealing with some of the issues that we have, and then we plan to begin a mission of Hospitality and Healing through our Lord, Jesus Christ. I have come to believe that because of the issues that I have come to deal with in my life that God has helped me through, that maybe I can with the Lord's help be a help to someone else going through the same issues.Maybe that was the whole point of my suffering. As always, God holds my hand through the darkness, and I will follow Him, and His plan for my life. Thank you lord for opening my eyes and allowing me to see the opportunities to witness and serve for you around me!
Moving down the simple path,
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Just me...
This is one of the photos that was taken Thanksgiving day at the park. My Husband described it to me and I decided that it represented the way in which I spend alot of my time. Being blind limits your activities and so I find myself very introspective. Sometimes this can be a very peaceful serene time. Lately, however, I feel as though I'm coming un-glued. You see, I am very ill (Sarcoidosis and blindness) and I guess I spend alot of time looking back over the past 50 years. Let's just say that it has not been a smooth journey! my way of dealing with bad situations has always been to put each one in a box, tie it up tightly, survive, and move on with life. This seemed my only choice at the time. I have been stabbed in the heart, and stabbed in the back when I didn't see it coming. There's alot of pain and hurt in those boxes! Now that I am in a safe place, with my Husband and Daughter by my side, the boxes are threatening to come untied. Guess it's time to deal with the emotional mess of the past!! There are so many things about my journey that even some of my closest friends don't know. As I prepare to deal with these issues, I will also be sharing my thoughts and feeling here, in the hopes that I can help someone else coming from the smae background.
We have been sorting through more items to keep and get rid of. Yay!! One more donation to GoodWill and one small bill paid off! Every little bit helps!
Moving down the simple path,
Friday, December 2, 2011
Warning: this is not going to be a pretty post so be prepared!
You know the old saying, "Rain, rain, go away"? Well, I changed it to "Pain, Pain, go away" but somehow it was mistakenly heard "Brain, Brain, go away"! I am writing and praying that this mistake can be cleared up and that my brain will be returned to me. Sarcoidosis is a horrible disease, but when it turns into NeuroSarcoidosis, it is truly enemy within. In the last few weeks, I have been suffering from a multitude of symptoms that are incredibly difficult to deal with. I have had constant insomnia for many decades, but now as I drift off to dream, I wake up suddenly in a state of panic!!! This can happen 5-6 times a night, so neither I nor my Hubby are getting any sleep! This has all been a surprise to me and I don't honestly know what to expect next! On top of it all, all of my doctors are at a loss. If I could get my head together for a moment and out of this inky dark brain fog, I am planning to write a book telling my Sarcoidosis story, as well as any other Sarkies who wish to join me. So if you have Sarcoidosis and would like to be included, please speak up! The purpose of my book is to tell the real Sarcoidosis story, help others that have just been diagnosed, raise awareness for Sarcoidosis, Hopefully raise funding for Sarcoidosis research, and blast the ignorant medical community!!! We must build the infrastructure so that someone newly diagnosed with Sarcoidosis does not feel alone!
Moving Slowly down the Simple Path,
You know the old saying, "Rain, rain, go away"? Well, I changed it to "Pain, Pain, go away" but somehow it was mistakenly heard "Brain, Brain, go away"! I am writing and praying that this mistake can be cleared up and that my brain will be returned to me. Sarcoidosis is a horrible disease, but when it turns into NeuroSarcoidosis, it is truly enemy within. In the last few weeks, I have been suffering from a multitude of symptoms that are incredibly difficult to deal with. I have had constant insomnia for many decades, but now as I drift off to dream, I wake up suddenly in a state of panic!!! This can happen 5-6 times a night, so neither I nor my Hubby are getting any sleep! This has all been a surprise to me and I don't honestly know what to expect next! On top of it all, all of my doctors are at a loss. If I could get my head together for a moment and out of this inky dark brain fog, I am planning to write a book telling my Sarcoidosis story, as well as any other Sarkies who wish to join me. So if you have Sarcoidosis and would like to be included, please speak up! The purpose of my book is to tell the real Sarcoidosis story, help others that have just been diagnosed, raise awareness for Sarcoidosis, Hopefully raise funding for Sarcoidosis research, and blast the ignorant medical community!!! We must build the infrastructure so that someone newly diagnosed with Sarcoidosis does not feel alone!
Moving Slowly down the Simple Path,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Giving Thanks...
Psalm 107:1"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."
I have been planning to make this post since Thanksgiving Night, but quite honestly, for the past few nights,I have been falling in bed exhausted.
It was a little strange this past Thanksgiving morning without the smell or a turkey roasting in the oven. We are all three vegetarians and planned a Non-Traditional Turkey-less Turkey Day! We actually made veggie sandwiches and had a picnic at a local park. It was a little chilly, but Hubby and Daughter got in some Frisbee action. Kinda ironic, on the way to the park as we drove through the countryside, Hubby spotted about a dozen wild turkeys on the side of the road. I want to stop and take a picture, but we didn't. It would have been captioned "We survived, we survived!!".
Got in some Christmas shopping over the weekend--NOT on Black Friday! Alexis is very proud of her new Nike shoes--Her first pair! My rule is that you have to be in middle school before you get Nike. I have seen babies with Nike shoes and think "Man, what a waste!". I mean, how long before they grow out of them? But that's just me! Hers are an early Christmas present.
Well, that's all for now.
Moving Down the Simple Path,
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I like dreamin'...
Yes, I do like dreaming! I am an RV wanna-be and have been looking into this seriously for at least the last 5 years! For now, I live through other peoples adventures found in their RV Blogs. I have so many reasons why I wish to be a full-time RVer. First, I just have the travel bug and would like some adventure. Secondly, it seems a very good way to live a simple life. Also, I have made alot of friends on Facebook who have Sarcoidosis too and I would like to "Connect the Dots" and meet them. While I am out on the road, I plan to raise awareness about Sarcoidosis and possibly do some fund-raising for research. There are so many other reasons and I will probably talk about these at a later date. Hubby is not as sold out on RVing as I am, but he is considering it. Daughter Alexis is ready to go!
I have looked around at different models of RVs and have really decided (with Hubby) that we would probably be best suited for a Class C model, like the one in the picture. These Class C models are very expensive when purchased new, however, we will be purchasing a used model. There are two reasons, as we see it, for purchasing used. First of course, is the low price. We will be living a simple life, and that includes being frugal. The second reason is that a used model will have already done a lot of outgasing of the dangerous chemicals. As a person with Sarcoidosis, I am like a canary in a chemical enviorment, and that is not good for me! Think about that new car smell as a load of toxic chemicals. Besides, Class C models are just so darn cute! :)
Moving down the simple path,
Friday, November 18, 2011
To me, Autumn equals nostalgia!I was born in the Autumn and it is my favorite season of the year. I love the feeling at the end of the summer when you begin to notice a hint in the air that cool, crisp air is on the way! I always loved the beautiful gold and crimson leaves on the trees, especially in the North Georgia mountains! It's a little different experience now that I'm blind but I still enjoy the crisp cool air,the crunching of leaves underfoot, and the woodsy smell of the burn pile. In the last few months, I have been reminiscing with a dear old friend and it has motivated me to become more of my real authentic self, instead of becoming this disease of Sarcoidosis! Sarcoidosis robs you of your health and trys to destroy you. I must not let it win! I want to live and be as fully alive as possible! Thank you David!
Today was a good day spending time with two of my Daughters, Alexis and Melissa, and my Grandson Dylan. We sorted through some books--some to keep, some to sell. we even got in a little Christmas shopping. I wasn't up for a whole lot, and was very sore when I got home.
Tomorrow is my husbands birthday as so I want to wish him an early happy birthday! Happy birthday Mike--My Sweetheart, Best Friend, Love, and Husband! He is my Rock and my soft place to fall (and fall apart)! Thank you honey :)
Moving Down the Simple Path,
Today was a good day spending time with two of my Daughters, Alexis and Melissa, and my Grandson Dylan. We sorted through some books--some to keep, some to sell. we even got in a little Christmas shopping. I wasn't up for a whole lot, and was very sore when I got home.
Tomorrow is my husbands birthday as so I want to wish him an early happy birthday! Happy birthday Mike--My Sweetheart, Best Friend, Love, and Husband! He is my Rock and my soft place to fall (and fall apart)! Thank you honey :)
Moving Down the Simple Path,
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Going Vegetarian...
We have been researching information on nutrition, health, and wellness for the past few years. What we have found has led us to a vegetarian diet. Mike was a vegetarian for eight years prior to us getting married. After we married, he joined in with me on my "all-you-eat buffet" diet and gained some weight. He has started having health issues, such as Diabetes, and decided that we all need to make better food choices for our family. Alexis became a vegetarian about six months ago and loves to prepare food such as Vegan Vanilla Pancakes, and Fruit-Soy milk Smoothies. Mike and I became vegetarian in September of 2011. Let me confess here that although my husband and daughter are strict vegetarians, I am a cheater! Although I know that it is not good for me, I sometimes crave meat. (and sometimes eat it!)
I am so excited about what happened to me only two weeks in to being a vegetarian! I couldn't even believe it while it was happening! Having a healing crisis can be very scary, especially when you don't know it's going to happen. I began to have extreme pain deep in my sinus'. It felt like something going Pop! Pop! Pop!. Not to be gross, but it seemed a lot of mucus was leaving my body that was tinged with blood. I was almost concerned enough to go to the Emergency Room, but if you know me you know that I reserve the ER for Life-Threatening emergencies only. The pain was overwhelming! Even though this Healing Crisis lasted about a week, I could already breathe better that first night! Praise the Lord! Due to the Sarcoidosis, and the Sinus issues (Infections and Polyps), I had not been able to breathe this deeply and clearly in decades! The vegetarian diet is a non-inflammatory diet, and my body has responded well because the Sarcoidosis is an Inflammatory disease. My Sinus' have been healed by eighty to eighty-five percent. Hallelujah!!
Also, even though I am still overweight, I have recently lost over 60 pounds. Yay me! We are always looking at ways to improve our health and wellness. We are also into supplementation, and I will talk about that in another post. More on some alternative theories as well...
Moving Down The Simple Path,
I am so excited about what happened to me only two weeks in to being a vegetarian! I couldn't even believe it while it was happening! Having a healing crisis can be very scary, especially when you don't know it's going to happen. I began to have extreme pain deep in my sinus'. It felt like something going Pop! Pop! Pop!. Not to be gross, but it seemed a lot of mucus was leaving my body that was tinged with blood. I was almost concerned enough to go to the Emergency Room, but if you know me you know that I reserve the ER for Life-Threatening emergencies only. The pain was overwhelming! Even though this Healing Crisis lasted about a week, I could already breathe better that first night! Praise the Lord! Due to the Sarcoidosis, and the Sinus issues (Infections and Polyps), I had not been able to breathe this deeply and clearly in decades! The vegetarian diet is a non-inflammatory diet, and my body has responded well because the Sarcoidosis is an Inflammatory disease. My Sinus' have been healed by eighty to eighty-five percent. Hallelujah!!
Also, even though I am still overweight, I have recently lost over 60 pounds. Yay me! We are always looking at ways to improve our health and wellness. We are also into supplementation, and I will talk about that in another post. More on some alternative theories as well...
Moving Down The Simple Path,
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sorting Through, Moving On...
Still sorting through--old papers, pictures, and even books. Lots of papers going into the trash--YAY!! Old pictures that I can no longer see (do to blindness) are going out the door to my three older children, nieces and nephews, and most anyone else who happens to be a subject in the picture. Freedom--the load gets lighter! The books are even being divided into keepers, ones that we will sell at the final big F, T, B Sale (Furniture, Tools, Books). We have a pretty massive Library, especially homeschooling books! Alexis is currently in the 6th grade, and has been home schooled since day one. She is every Teacher's dream student!
The above picture is my grandson Dylan when he was a newborn. (May 2009) Okay, so yes he is adorable, but how does that tie into this subject? Well, about three years ago when I started going blind, I also found out that my middle Daughter, Melissa, was expecting. We worked out an agreement to benefit both of us. She would move in with us and we would help her and the baby while she would be another adult presence in the house. (Sort of Caregiver) This worked out pretty well and I had the added benefit of living with my precious Grandson and helping to raise him. Of course, we needed a larger house to accommodate all five of us. A few months ago, Melissa met and Married the man of her dreams (Kenny). So here we are, in a house too big for just the three of us! Of course Grandma misses Dylan dearly, as I helped raise him for 2 1/2 years. But life goes on, and now, thankfully, Dylan has a family of his own, with a Daddy! He also inherited an older sister and brother, as Kenny had two children from a previous marriage. They are all very happy, and I am very happy for them! We are looking for what comes next, but we know that our next housing option will be smaller as we prefer.
Moving Down the Simple Path,
Skylar's Stuff Shop--A Success!
I came up with an idea a few weeks ago--that I would be just like the Ice Cream Man that comes in our neighborhood every now and then, except I would sell candy (Yes, I realize I would be called the Candy Man. Don't laugh! Well, I guess Candy Girl would be more appropriate.), among other things. Well, today I finally launched it! :) I had planned earlier today to make Chocolate Chip Cookies, and when I asked the Twins, A.K.A. Abby and Britney (Our next-door neighbors, and my friends) if they would like one, of course they said yes! So, they came over, and I decided now would be a perfect time. They had gone home for a minute to check in when I put the box full of candy outside. When they came back over, they thought I was giving it out for free, but when they found out that it cost money, they added up the total for all the things they wanted, and went home to go get money! I was surprised, because I didn't think my Stuff Shop would actually work, but it did! When the cookies were done (They were GIANT!!), the Twins came back over, with more money, and bought a few more things. It started raining after that, so they went home, but a few minutes later they came running over, holding up more money, yelling "We got more money! Mama let us get a dollar out of our rainy day savings!" "Is your rainy day savings actually FOR a rainy day, or something?" "No, it's just called that."
So, by the end of the day, I had made about $5.00. Not bad for a first day, if you ask me. And only 2 people came over!!
I've figured out a schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I'm going to sell candy & food stuff, & Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I'm going to sell other stuff, like M & M pen holders, and rings and stuff like that.
Well, just wanted to post about the success of Skylar's Stuff Shop!!!
Au Revoir!
So, by the end of the day, I had made about $5.00. Not bad for a first day, if you ask me. And only 2 people came over!!
I've figured out a schedule: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I'm going to sell candy & food stuff, & Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I'm going to sell other stuff, like M & M pen holders, and rings and stuff like that.
Well, just wanted to post about the success of Skylar's Stuff Shop!!!
Au Revoir!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
And another cat....
Purple Hot Chocolate, Cool Hat, New Pink Headphones, Broken Game, & Lumosity

The Purple Hot Chocolate:
It actually tasted pretty good, despite the fact that it looked funny. Well, it did taste kinda weird cause it had soy milk in it, but after you got used to it it was good. :)
Cool Hat:
Like the Hat..? I know YOU do, Tori!! ;) (Thanks Dad!)
New Headphones:
I think I'm cursed to have every pair of headphones I own to break within weeks after buying them. No, seriously!! EVERY SINGLE pair of headphones I have had in the last 3 months (And I've had a lot of pairs..) have A.Ripped Apart, or B. Someone, (That's name starts with D...Dylan, you wouldn't happen to know anyone like that WOULD you?!) has broken them. Or, C. I lose them. Very Frustrating. Anyway, Daddy was really nice and bought me some Hot Pink (My fave. color!) headphones!!! :D
Broken Game:
My stupid DS game broke! The one I've been playing for FOREVER to get where I'm at! and now it's re-started itself back to the beginning!!
Lumosity is this really cool site where you can train your brain, so to speak...I went to my brain profile, and these are my scores...I'm best at memory! :D
Your BPI
Percentile Comparison
Your percentile for each category shows you how you compare with other Lumosity users who are within five years of your age. For example, if your percentile in a given category is 40%, that means that you have a higher BPI than 40% of the Lumosity users in your age bracket.Note that since you're being compared to other people training with Lumosity, your percentile rank isn't as high as it would be if you were just compared to the general population.
Later, 'gators!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
One Obstacle--Sarcoidosis
One of our biggest obstacles that affects everything that we do is my
(Robin) disease of Sarcoidosis. Two months ago, very thankfully, I celebrated my fiftieth Birthday (Thank you Lord!!). That means that I have been suffering from this disease for half of my life. Even though I began getting ill near my twenty-fifth Birthday, I was not diagnosed properly for another ten years. After Mike and I were married and began talking about a more simple life, my disease seemed to be ramping up. We think that this may have had a great deal to do with the home we had purchased and recently moved into. It seems that our little nest had been extensively fumigated with anti-termite chemicals only months before we moved in. With me being somewhat of a "Canary", we believe that these chemicals helped to damage my immune system and allow the Sarcoidosis to flare. Obviously, this took our focus off of most everything except my illness. I even had to abandon my dessert catering business, which i dearly loved. My disease has continued to progress over the years and three years ago it caused me to go blind. Part of our dream of a simple life is to bring my husband Mike home from full-time work to part-time as soon as we get some of the bills paid. This will allow us more time to be together.
What is Sarcoidosis? Sarcoidosis (pronounced SAR-COY-DOE-SIS) is an inflammatory disease that can affect almost any organ in the body. It causes heightened immunity, which means that a person’s immune system, which normally protects the body from infection and disease, overreacts, resulting in damage to the body’s own tissues. The classic feature of sarcoidosis is the formation of granulomas, microscopic clumps of inflammatory cells that group together (and look like granules, hence the name). When too many of these clumps form in an organ they can interfere with how that organ functions.
In people in the United States, sarcoidosis most commonly targets the lungs and lymph nodes, but the disease can and usually does affect others organs, too, including (but not limited to) the skin, eyes, liver, salivary glands, sinuses, kidneys, heart, the muscles and bones, and the brain and nervous system.
(Robin) disease of Sarcoidosis. Two months ago, very thankfully, I celebrated my fiftieth Birthday (Thank you Lord!!). That means that I have been suffering from this disease for half of my life. Even though I began getting ill near my twenty-fifth Birthday, I was not diagnosed properly for another ten years. After Mike and I were married and began talking about a more simple life, my disease seemed to be ramping up. We think that this may have had a great deal to do with the home we had purchased and recently moved into. It seems that our little nest had been extensively fumigated with anti-termite chemicals only months before we moved in. With me being somewhat of a "Canary", we believe that these chemicals helped to damage my immune system and allow the Sarcoidosis to flare. Obviously, this took our focus off of most everything except my illness. I even had to abandon my dessert catering business, which i dearly loved. My disease has continued to progress over the years and three years ago it caused me to go blind. Part of our dream of a simple life is to bring my husband Mike home from full-time work to part-time as soon as we get some of the bills paid. This will allow us more time to be together.
What is Sarcoidosis? Sarcoidosis (pronounced SAR-COY-DOE-SIS) is an inflammatory disease that can affect almost any organ in the body. It causes heightened immunity, which means that a person’s immune system, which normally protects the body from infection and disease, overreacts, resulting in damage to the body’s own tissues. The classic feature of sarcoidosis is the formation of granulomas, microscopic clumps of inflammatory cells that group together (and look like granules, hence the name). When too many of these clumps form in an organ they can interfere with how that organ functions.
In people in the United States, sarcoidosis most commonly targets the lungs and lymph nodes, but the disease can and usually does affect others organs, too, including (but not limited to) the skin, eyes, liver, salivary glands, sinuses, kidneys, heart, the muscles and bones, and the brain and nervous system.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Charlie ate our pumpkin! *A Picture Blog*

**Charlie is our Basset Hound**~Alexis
An Introduction
This blog will be a family project used to discuss our life journey together and help to navigate the path. Our small but close family of 3 have adopted the motto "FROG turtle"! F.R.O.G. means Fully Rely On God! And Turtle means living life in the slow lane--a simple life! Most of the posts will probably come from Robin (The Wife~), unless otherwise noted. Hopefully along the way Mike (The Husband~) and Alexis (The Daughter~) will interject their thoughts.
Before we became a couple, we had separately been feeling the need for a simple life. We had been on different roads throughout our lives but each felt that we had found a special place with each other--home!! Our journey so far together has been filled with many obstacles but we have survived Together. In the beginning our blog may be filled with many thoughts and feelings that we will digest and use to help us find what's next on our path. The one thing that we do know is that we do Fully Rely On God, and are headed to a more simple life!
By this point, we have made many donations to Goodwill and have had quite a few yard sales to help us pare down our belongings. I am also sorting through the many items that I have saved for my oldest three children from their childhood. They will be receiving these items soon!! :) We do plan to host one more major sale on our way to simplicity. We plan to begin to live the next chapter of our lives with only the bare essentials--no clutter!!
More on this later..
Before we became a couple, we had separately been feeling the need for a simple life. We had been on different roads throughout our lives but each felt that we had found a special place with each other--home!! Our journey so far together has been filled with many obstacles but we have survived Together. In the beginning our blog may be filled with many thoughts and feelings that we will digest and use to help us find what's next on our path. The one thing that we do know is that we do Fully Rely On God, and are headed to a more simple life!
By this point, we have made many donations to Goodwill and have had quite a few yard sales to help us pare down our belongings. I am also sorting through the many items that I have saved for my oldest three children from their childhood. They will be receiving these items soon!! :) We do plan to host one more major sale on our way to simplicity. We plan to begin to live the next chapter of our lives with only the bare essentials--no clutter!!
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