Thursday, November 3, 2011

An Introduction

  This blog will be a family project used to discuss our life journey together and help to navigate the path. Our small but close family of 3 have adopted the motto "FROG turtle"! F.R.O.G. means Fully Rely On God! And Turtle means living life in the slow lane--a simple life! Most of the posts will probably come from Robin (The Wife~), unless otherwise noted. Hopefully along the way Mike (The Husband~) and Alexis (The Daughter~) will interject their thoughts.
  Before we became a couple, we had separately been feeling the need for a simple life. We had been on different roads throughout our lives but each felt that we had found a special place with each other--home!! Our journey so far together has been filled with many obstacles but we have survived Together. In the beginning our blog may be filled with many thoughts and feelings that we will digest and use to help us find what's next on our path. The one thing that we do know is that we do Fully Rely On God, and are headed to a more simple life!

By this point, we have made many donations to Goodwill and have had quite a few yard sales to help us pare down our belongings. I am also sorting through the many items that I have saved for my oldest three children from their childhood. They will be receiving these items soon!! :) We do plan to host one more major sale on our way to simplicity. We plan to begin to live the next chapter of our lives with only the bare essentials--no clutter!!

More on this later..


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