OK, so the picture above is from Google Images, and not one that my family has personally taken, but hopefully that will change in the near future!!
Countdown to October means that our little family of three is planning to spend this Fall making memories together in the Arizona Desert!!! We have been keeping up with many RV blogs and kind of living through them and their lives on the road. Hubby is slowly coming around! In fact, he has been dreaming of Hawaiian Shirts and camping hats, clothing that is not allowed on the dress code at his job! Love it!! I keep telling him that I'm going to "Hippie Him Up"! This may be hard to imagine, since he is a Mechanical Engineer, but I am determined! :)
We are continuing to downsize all of our possessions. This past week, we were finally able to get some of my Daughter Melissa's belongings to her, including her heavy dresser. Hubby and my Brother, Don, also moved a bed, chest, and chair for my Sister Sherry who just moved into an apartment.
Although I have had my wheelchair around for awhile now, and have been enjoying it when I'm tired, today we've discovered that I can no longer get around on my own steam. Looks like from here out, I am wheelchair dependant--in addition to being Blind! My bright spot is concentrating on going Full-Time RVing and making lots of great memories for our family!!
Just want to give a shoutout to RV Sue and her Canine Crew. In case she reads this, our family LOVES to read your blog and hear of your adventures. And to be honest, I really hope to get to meet you someday!! To all the RV Dreamers out there, if you want to read a really great RV Travel blog, check RV Sue out! You won't be disappointed! :)
Moving Down The Simple Path,
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