...One bite at a time!!
Well, hanging out around the bed and couch! Not much energy! Just finished a round of antibiotics and prednisone for Pleurisy. Still feeling blah! The good news is that I have found a new doctor! This one seems to be knowledgeable, thorough, and compassionate! The more pleased I am with her, the more upset I get at all of the others! Don't they take the same oath? I have always felt that I have fallen between the cracks concerning medical care during my 25 years with Sarcoidosis. My new Doctor discovered some new problems and may have just saved my life! Thank you Lord!!! :) My new Doctor is part of the M.D.V.I.P. Program. Check it out if you're looking for a really good Doctor!! You will pay an upfront fee, similar to a retainer with a lawyer. For your office visits, they file most insurance, just like other Doctors, with a co-pay. The great thing is that these Doctors are limited to 400-600 patients, which means you get more individual attention. (And a personal cell phone number)
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
About the elephant...we are moving toward a simple path but right now our lives seem pretty complicated! There is light at the end of the tunnel, but we have a major to-do list!! Between Hubby's full-time job, the additional work of the animal rescue, doctor and lab visits, and house-hunting for whats next, we are very busy!! Then add in giveaways, throwaways, sorting through boxes of books, and mounds of papers in order to down-size. Oh yeah, I need to help Melissa (My middle Daughter) get the rest of her furniture and belongings out of the master bedroom. YAAY--one whole room will be empty soon! And of course, we could always use a few more forever homes for our rescue animals!
Rental house at the lake in the country or park model travel trailer in the country near the existing animal rescue? Both appeal, and are smaller than our current house--a definite plus! I love just sitting outside and listening to the birds sing!! It makes me happy! Whichever one we decide, will be a more simple lifestyle, and require us to down-size even further. This is going to feel really good, but getting there is really a rough ride right now. Living a simple life is the goal and well worth the struggle!
Moving Down The Simple Path,

You've heard of CatDog, well this is FrogTurtle! F.R.O.G means Fuly Rely On God! And Turtle means living life in the slow lane! This is a blog about our family journey towards simple living. Some of the subjects we may cover are, Living a Simple Life, Christian Values, Sarcoidosis, Diabetes, and other diseases, Nutrition and Supplements, Health & Wellness, Healing, Homeschooling, RV Wanna-be's, Old-fashioned, Back-to-Basics Values, and Skills.
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