Okay, so I've started back sewing again--yay! I'm sorry about the bad picture, but I took it with my webcam in bad lighting, soo yeah those two factors don't add up to great pics. Oh, And my arm got in the way. Hehe :) Anyway, so this is a blue and zebra print little purse (and by little I mean about 5" x 5"--not including the handle, of course), which only required sewing for the button. I made it in under 5 minutes, and it looks awesome! (Although, by looking at the picture, I think I can say I've seen better looking things in our garbage.

A little bit better picture of it.

Once again, the deadly combo made this look horrible :/ I'm beginning to hate my webcam. This is a pillow I'm working on for my sister, Melissa (which explains the M). It's purple, (her favorite color) with a zebra striped layer, and then another purple layer, on which I embroidered an M on. I haven't embroidered in probably 2 years, so that's why it's crooked. :D I was going to surprise her, but me being the oh-so-patient person that I am, of course had to show her tonight when she came. She liked it. Or, I think she did. She kind of had her attention elsewhere (being that she has three kids--12, 7, and 2), so I'm not sure.

This is a one-zie (how the heck do you spell that, anyway?) that my nephew Dylan had when he was little. I'm thinking about making it into a pillow.

Okay, warning, this is where the 1,000's of pictures start. Sorryyy, I can't help it, I wanna be a photographer. Buut, there's semi-important information at the bottom. So, deal wif it!

Picture of the honeysuckle blossoming on our mailbox, taken right after it rained.

Dead hydrangea's (uhh...I'm not sure if thats what it is, but I think so anyway.)

Hooray for Canadians! :D

Doesn't this look like an alien?!? These grow on trees around our house, so I'm guessing their seeds? I really have no clue.

Sunset...well, sort of.

Bush outside our house.

Brick wall. Hey, don't judge.

These flowers are growing on the side of our house. They are TI-NY!!

Picture of the holly (??) growing on the bushes outside our house.

Some pink flowers. Everything thinks it's spring....should I tell them it's not even March yet?

The dead Hydrangea in a bush. Don't ask.

Profile shot of Abby, my friend. She's a twin. If this picture looks like it was planned, trust me, it's not. She didn't even know I had my DS on.

Is it sad that it took me awhile to understand this sign? At first I thought they had just said chocolate twice, before mama corrected me and said they meant that it's choc. on the inside AND outside, thus making me feel stupid and realize that my blonde roots run deeper than I thought.

Okay, So I'm going to get a haircut, and this is the most recent picture of me, so tell me: which of these haircuts would look good on me?

Pixie haircut. i really like the Pixie cut, but it would probably look horrible on me.

another pixie cut.

Okay, so this is who everyone says is my twin, Saoirse Ronan. She's an actress. She was in The Lovely Bones. I kinda think i'm going to go with this haircut.

This is really similar to the last one.
Okayy, so that's the end of the picture frenzy. I have a question: have you ever read The Lorax? And, are you going to go see the movie? We are, on March 3rd, the day after it comes out. Which, may I add, is the same day I can change my earrings. YES!! The six weeks is almost up! It's seemed like the looongest six weeks everrr.
Practice makes perfect. So shoot, shoot and shoot some more. I love the water drops on the leaves and the brick wall and the sky views. Don't understand how the weird colors entered though. I miss my poor broken camera.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much!! I took these pictures with my 3DS, which has different controls to mess with: b/w, sepia, negative, solarize, sharpness, contrast, brightness, etc. For alot of these pictures I had contrast on, so it makes them look brighter, because I took these when it was cloudy out, so it made the flowers look sort of washed out. What happened to your camera?