Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's Alexis. Remember me??


As it has been around a year since I have posted (one year, one week, and five days to be precise), I'm a bit out of sorts as to how to do this and what to say, but I really need to start blogging again.

**First, before I begin this, I must quickly say that I apologize for my previous posts. They were atrocious. Not saying this will be exponentially improved, but I'm going to try at least.

Well, quite a lot can happen in a year. <-- Understatement!

January--Not much happened in January, or as far as I can recall.  I did join Wattpad, which is an online community for reading and writing. It is primarily made up of teenagers, as far as I have seen, but it's great for me if I want to post a short story of mine every now & then.

It was a pretty great New Years, spent it with my sister watching fireworks in our neighborhood.

February--Ah. In February we got a Kindle Fire, A.K.A. quite possibly one of the best inventions known to mankind. Now, I absolutely adore physical books, and definitely prefer them, but for me an e-reader is very convenient. I read...well, a lot. Just since February 16th when we got the Kindle, I have read...somewhere around 540, give or take a couple. Apparently that is a large amount, although it's really not that much to me. But, that's why a kindle is great, because buying a new book is just--quite literally--the tap of a finger away.

This is also about the time that I quit crafting as a hobby. I discovered it just really wasn't my thing, and so I quit what I was doing to have more time to focus on some other hobbies I really truly love (like writing, and occasionally taking pictures).

March--I started taking a coding class online at codeacademy.com. (I stopped shortly after, but I've taken it up again recently)

Saint Patricks day was fun, we spent it my sister, BIL (brother-in-law in case you didn't know), and nephew.

April until now--Was all very uneventful, to be honest. Well, nothing blog-worthy. We did go to see This Is Us, the One Direction movie, on August 30th, which was great.

And...yeah. That's basically caught up, right? Probably the worst summary that has ever been written, but I just can't think of many things that happened that would be interesting to read about in a blog post.

I don't have much to say, really. I just haven't blogged in over a year, so I felt like I should. I'm going to try staying on track this time, and post somewhat regularly, but then again if you've read my older posts you can recall how many times I've said that. I tend to put the "pro" in procrastination. ;)

Oh! One more thing. My birthday is in four weeks and three days! :) I'll be turning fourteen <3 Yay!

Don't remember how I signed these,

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