First, let me welcome our newest follower! Derek Wood of A Life Made Simple has recently joined our blog as it's newest follower. Thank you and welcome!
Hubby and I have been making great progress in the decision making process toward a path for a simple life. We envision this path involving other like-minded people. We are now making plans to purchase a tract of land in a country setting in south Georgia, within 25 miles of Georgia Southern University. With prayerful consideration, we are going full speed ahead with our plans for a Christian-based Intentional Community. Below is a picture taken from the land we are looking at. It is already zoned Agricultural, so growing our own food won't be a problem.
The definition of Intentional Community by Wikipedia-- An intentional community is a planned residential community designed to have a much higher degree of teamwork than other communities. The members of an intentional community typically hold a common social, political, religious, or spiritual vision and often follow an alternative lifestyle. They typically share responsibilities and resources. Intentional communities include collective households, cohousing communities, ecovillages, communes, survivalist retreats, kibbutzim, ashrams, and housing cooperatives.
Most Christian-Based Intentional Communities that we have found seem to be very expensive places to live. We want to marry Christian Values and principals in a community that is very affordable, green, and simple. This is our dream!
We see this community of people working together to grow our own food organically. After a time, our goal will be to not only feed ourselves in the community, but to grow enough food for a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Program.
We plan to include a pond on the property. This pond will be used for fishing and non-motorized boating (Jon Boats, Paddle Boats, Canoes, and Kayaks). I see this as a very relaxing place in the country. Of course swimming would be an option! :)
What can be more relaxing than a group of friends roasting marshmallows over a campfire! Turn off the TV, and enjoy some home grown entertainment! There will be lots of recreational opportunities available right in the community! We plan to include Swimming Pools, Basketball Court, and Tennis Courts--just to name a few.
Housing options have not totally been decided upon. We are thinking about lots of possibilities and trying to decide which will make the best usage of the land. We do plan small private spaces (Homes) with lots of green spaces where children can play freely. Common spaces that we share together as a community will include Large Dining Rooms, Play Rooms for the children, Workout centers, and a library.
The definition of Co-housing from Wikipedia--A cohousing[1] community is a type of intentional community composed of private homes supplemented by shared facilities. The community is planned, owned and managed by the residents – who also share activities which may include cooking, dining, child care, gardening, and governance of the community. Common facilities may include a kitchen, dining room, laundry, child care facilities, offices, Internet access, guest rooms, and recreational features.
Each person in the community will have an opportunity to volunteer for a community position of interest to them. Cooking teams will be rotated for the nightly meal so that no one has to cook every night. We will share communal meals in the evening in the large dining hall. Of course, if you're not feeling particularly social one night, just drop by the dining hall and pick up your meal and take it home. The really great thing about this plan is that if one member of our community is sick, their meal can simply be dropped off at their home. Neighbors helping neighbors!
This is just a partial list of some of our ideas. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions. Interested in joining us? Let's start a conversation!
Froggy Farm--Moving Down The Simple Path,

You've heard of CatDog, well this is FrogTurtle! F.R.O.G means Fuly Rely On God! And Turtle means living life in the slow lane! This is a blog about our family journey towards simple living. Some of the subjects we may cover are, Living a Simple Life, Christian Values, Sarcoidosis, Diabetes, and other diseases, Nutrition and Supplements, Health & Wellness, Healing, Homeschooling, RV Wanna-be's, Old-fashioned, Back-to-Basics Values, and Skills.
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