You've heard of CatDog, well this is FrogTurtle! F.R.O.G means Fuly Rely On God! And Turtle means living life in the slow lane! This is a blog about our family journey towards simple living. Some of the subjects we may cover are, Living a Simple Life, Christian Values, Sarcoidosis, Diabetes, and other diseases, Nutrition and Supplements, Health & Wellness, Healing, Homeschooling, RV Wanna-be's, Old-fashioned, Back-to-Basics Values, and Skills.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Moving in the direction of our dreams!!!
I love the picture that was chosen for this blog post. As usual, because I am blind, my daughter found this picture and described it to me. This lovely scene appeals to how I am feeling right now--peaceful and serene! My husband and I have been looking at options for the next six months. Our current lease on our "too big" rental house was coming up for renewal and the easy choice was to extend the lease and stay. This choice did not appeal to me in the least! The more sick I become with Sarcoidosis issues, the more determined I became to live more of an authentic life! Praise God! When I explained to my husband what I really wanted to do, he actually listened! It was actually my husband who put the important pieces of the puzzle together and as of the month of September, we will be moving in the direction of our dreams!! At least, it is my dream with Mike and Alexis coming on board as well! I can sense that this is going to be a really wonderful move for the whole family! New neighborhood--new start--living with the bare essentials! We took a drive around the area on Sunday and was very pleasantly surprised at what we found! There is a lake on site and many opportunities for outdoorsy activities. We plan to take this opportunity to eat healthier, be more active, and enjoy more fresh air!
I am so excited to make this announcement on my blog that as of September 2013, we will be "full-timers"!! This means that we will finally be living in the little house that we purchased a year and a half ago! When we purchased it, we felt as if it were "God thing"! A lot of doors shut for us, but Mike prayed that the right one would open, and it did! He found a truly beautiful, wooded, serene campground only an hour from work (since, for now, he is tied to his desk). We will be saving a lot of money from our current lease payment and will use that to pay off the bills more quickly so that we can bring Mike home part time. We've even talked about buying a bicycle built for two, so that I can once again feel the joy of bicycling! :)
Moving Down The Simple Path (very authentically!!),
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